
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Caretaker at Pup House pt 1

The day I quit my job at the Burger Train I felt pretty good, ecstatic really, I told my boss to go fuck himself and walked out with my shoulders high. Two weeks later as I sat in a gay bar with my head in my hands, fingers entangled in my mop of dirty blonde hair I was pretty miserable because I couldn't find a job. I had a few hundred dollars left in my savings account and not much in my checking but I was buying myself drinks as I tried to come up with a plan.

Piss drunk I got to my feet and drifted back to the men's room. I pushed my way inside, went to the trough and unzipped. I untucked my dick through the opening in my briefs and started to piss when l looked up to the wall and saw a unique advertisement written in black marker.

Caretaker Needed for Pups
Grown men who get together on the weekends, some weekdays, and holidays. Looking for kind handler. xxx-xxxx

I took a photo of the ad with my phone because I thought it would be a sort of laugh. I thought I'd text it to a few friends, maybe post it to social media. One of those kinky things that could only be found in a gay bar. I put my phone away, made my way out to the bar and finished my drink before I left. It was a short walk to my basement apartment in my parent's house. I crawled into my unmade bed and fell asleep.

Four hours later I woke up, drool on my pillow and I smelled like a brewery. I got to my feet, stripped off my clothes as I made my way to the toilet. I did my business then got into the shower, soaped and rinsed off, washed my hair. Every part of my lean, skinny body felt clean and I had a need so I jerked off quickly.

My legs felt squid like as I made my way back to the bed with a towel around my waist. I sat on the edge of it and started to look through my clothes when I remembered the ad on my phone. I got it out, got to the ad, read it over again. It was funny at first but I couldn't bring myself to send it. It had someone's phone number. I opened the editor, readied to wipe it out but I couldn't make the swipe. There was something about it. Someone, some people looking for someone else to play a role. I typed the number into my phone, made the call.

"Hello, this is Paul," a man said.

"Hi, my name's Brad. I uh, saw your ad on the men's room wall. Is it real?"

"Why don't we meet somewhere and talk?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Afterwards if you feel up to it we can go back to my house to talk."

We met at a coffee shop within walking distance from where I lived. He told me he'd be wearing a mauve polo shirt. I told him I'd be dressed in my usual white t-shirt and jeans. He greeted me with a handshake, looked me over. I kind of felt like a piece of meat but I was doing the same. He was handsome, taller than me by a few inches, well groomed. He smelled of musky cologne, the type of smell that was good to wake up to in the morning. He had an easy smile, muscled forearms. I couldn't tell his age, maybe mid-thirties, at least ten years older than my twenty.

 He made me feel at ease as he ushered me to the line where he offered to buy me a coffee. I accepted but ordered a small latte trying to remain polite. After my drink was made we walked to a table by the window where he had been sitting, there was a cup of coffee and an electronic tablet.

"I know it's a weird place to leave an ad, especially with my phone number, but my friend Matt did it. He's a bit impulsive."

"It got my attention," I said.

"Do you have any experience in this kind of thing?"

"Uh, not really, but I'm open minded, you know. I'm not judgemental."

"Are you in college?"

"Community, and I worked at a fast-food place but I quit recently."


"I'm looking for something better, something different."

We fell into an easy conversation after that. We talked about different things. He told me about his work as a manager at an investment fund. I told him about my film studies and my interest in the history of the studio system. I was at ease with him. I felt a connection and that he genuinely wanted to be with me so when he asked if I'd like go to his house I agreed.

"Listen, the thing is I live with a couple of people, Matt who I told you about and Adam. They're both home and eager to meet you. How would you like to meet them?"

"Yeah, sounds good," I said.

He made a quick call to let them know we'd be there soon as we walked out of the shop to his car, a red Mustang. The whole drive there I couldn't help but think of what his house would be like and the two men I'd meet. Would they greet me at the door on all fours with those pup masks on? Would they try to lick me or maybe even sniff my crotch? I was anxious about it but told myself I had to be brave enough to see it through, to have the experience.

It was a quick drive out of town on the highway, each car we passed, each light we passed meant I was getting farther away from home. He was an aggressive driver but not risky. He turned on the radio and I fell into the calm, passive state I usually achieve when someone I trust is driving. Far away from the city he pulled off the highway to a development area. We passed several newly built homes until we reached a gated community. I thought for sure we'd pass it but we didn't. He even had identification to show the guard. Just how rich is he? Just how rich are they?

He drove us through the sprawling neighborhood until we got to what felt like the last houses, the biggest houses, houses with walls and fences around them. Walls within walls, I thought as he opened the gate with a swipe of a badge. He drove up a winding path through trees and finally it was there. His house and it was larger than I could have imagined. He pulled in front, got out and started to the house but I didn't move. I was stunned and it took him coming back and opening the car door to snap me from it.

As we walked he put a comforting arm around me and asked if I was okay. I welcomed the touch and told him that I was but I was lying and I think he knew it. The front door was opened before we even got to it. In the well lit opening were two young men with their arms around each other. They looked so friendly, so eager, kind of like pups. Each of them extended a hand to me and introduced himself.

Matt was a bit of a punk with a mohawk, piercings, and tattoos, a band around his forearm made me think he might be into fisting. He wore a sleeveless, muscle shirt that looked as if he'd made it himself. I could see his bare sides, his muscle and hints of more tattoos. It gave me a chubby.

Adam was more of a choir boy, a mop of blonde hair and he was dressed in a button down white shirt and slacks. He looked to be my age. And there was something mischievous in his eyes.

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